Claim Your Full Presence

Working with successful leaders to achieve
authentic poise and power!


Are you ready to make an even bigger impact on your organization, your community, or our world? 

If so, it is time to learn the hidden skills that allow you to tap into your full power.

Hello! I am Mari Geasair, and I work with high-competence professionals who are ready to upgrade their Leadership Presence. I help them increase confidence, find their unique voice, think quickly on their feet, command more respect, drive more buy-in, and get more done.

I can help you enhance your natural communication strength, develop reliable trust in your talents, and reduce the unconscious behaviors that might be hurting your credibility. Our work together can help you show more poise during high-stakes conversations and enhance your effectiveness in meetings, presentations, interviews, and one-to-one communication.

If you are ready to step into even bigger opportunities, let's connect.

The time is now to gracefully claim your place as a trusted authority in your field. The world needs your gifts.

NOW OPEN! Join our live-instructor-led cohort of  Prism Power and get help building presence and conquering stage fright, overcoming Imposter Experience and more.

This year-long membership gives you access to two live instructor-led virtual meetings per month, where you can practice your skills and ask questions. It also gives you access to a huge library of digital resources to help you deeply transform your confidence and Leadership Presence!

On-Demand, Digital Courses

Get in-depth and on-demand information and support to take your business or project to the next level. Join us to build your Confidence and Charisma on Video and more!

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Leadership Presence and Communication Masteryclass & Certification

Take your skills to the next level and enhance your business and career opportunities.

This unique hybrid program combines virtual live instruction, on-demand learning, coaching, and in-person training to help you prepare for whatever the "next new normal" throws at you.

Show clients and employers, you are committed to providing next-level service for a changing world with a certification in Leadership Presence and Communication.

See Program Details

Organizational Consulting

For teams and organizations needing to go to the next level in creating powerful virtual impact. Mari provides custom tailored packages combing consulting and training.

Consulting Info

Get started right away with an on-demand digital class to help you build your on-camera presence in a fun and fruitful way! It's only $27!

Click Here to Learn More

Claim Your Full Impact

Taking visionary leaders from successful but stuck to satisfied and soaring!


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