Executive Presence for the Camera.

Boost your impact and feel more authentic on your next Zoom meeting, virtual job interview, or social media post.

This engaging digital course will teach you practical techniques for increasing charisma, reducing nervousness, and projecting natural authority on camera.

Perfect for professionals who are ready to expand their influence and build more genuine connection.

On-Demand Digital Course! Only $27!

Feel More Confident

Learn how to calm your nerves, bring polish to your on-camera style, and speak genuinely from the heart.
You will gain reliable techniques to replace self-consciousness with a clear focus on the gifts you can bring to your audiences. 
The course will help you develop both the mindset and the physical and vocal habits that support your most authentic and engaging delivery.
You will also learn  to have more fun and bring more personality into your work without losing your polish.


Inspire Others 

 Whether you are leading a virtual meeting, doing a job interview, or creating video for social media or training content, you get better results when you know how to be fully present and audience-focused.
During the course, you will learn my signature process to "H.E.L.P.  you W.O.W. your audiences N.O.W." and inspire them to take action .
Using these simple brain-body techniques will reduce nervousness, and increase your impact without making you feel inauthentic.


Reclaim Time

Being more effective doesn't necessarily mean you need to have more meetings or create more videos.
You may be able to save time and hassle by simply doing a better job on the videos you already create. A relaxed and magnetic presence on camera can instantly move your projects and your message forward, while a nervous or disengaging appearance on camera can cause confusion, delays. and a harmful lack of engagement.

A message from Mari, your instructor:

Why I believe that Executive Presence for the Camera is the secret success skill for our times! 


JOIN NOW, Only $27!

What People Are Saying About Mari's Courses:

Pic of Lawyer Jan


After 28 years of law practice, I am very skilled at making persuasive pitches to judges and juries in person. But talking to a camera or a computer screen is WAY different!! Mari has made that transition to "virtual presentations" very easy - very doable for me. She has an amazing way of teaching how to be personable to an inanimate object. Trust her knowledge and experience. Can't imagine there is anyone better than Mari at helping people be their very best online. 

-Jan C.

Pic of Coach Sue


Mari is fantastic, she knows her subject inside out, her tone and demeanor are patient, supportive, and engaging, and she has a creative and fun approach to illustrating key points and learning in general. I loved the course. The outcome is that I'm a more effective communicator. 

-Paul T.

Pic of Coach Sue


I am rarely able to finish an online program, but this is not the case with this one. I loved it! The program is well crafted and presented with ease. I love that I can get an immediate answer to my question because it is an on-demand video class. I'm resistant to cameras, but Mari’s class helped me move forward by building my skills with encouragement, and warmth, and expertise.

-Sue H.

About Your Instructor, Mari Geasair:

Mari Geasair helps leaders and subject matter experts access their authentic strengths and shine in high-pressure situations. She shares little-known techniques that help professionals improve their communication and presentation skills, clarify their vision, and inspire others. 

Her work is grounded in 25+ years of experience in  business development, public speaking, peak performance study, and live theatre performance.

She is a member of the National Speakers' Association,  is a RLMC Certified Voice Specialist a Certified Virtual Presenter and Certified Virtual Host. She studied Theatre  Arts at Colorado University and  Meisner Technique at the Freehold Studio of Seattle. 



Frequently Asked Questions


Don’t wait! 

Upgrade your on-camera presence
and your career today.

GET STARTED Only, $27!


Join the Course Now