Rock Your Leadership Interview!

A "preparation camp" to help you  manage nervousness, think quickly on your feet, and exhibit Authentic Executive Presence.

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Did you know that polished communication skills can increase perceptions of your competency and trustworthiness by as much as 60%?

Learn how to show up for your job interview or performance review with
more power, poise, and authenticity.


Utilized by individuals
and organizations such as:

You Can Stay Authentic AND Showcase Your Leadership!

Learn practical tools to:

  • Convey genuine poise, even when the questions or logistical circumstances seem daunting or chaotic.
  • See the hidden opportunities to make a lasting impression that most candidates miss.
  • Get clarity about what you are excited to say, show, and learn during the meeting so that you feel more authentic and curious. (Rather than rehearsed and nervous.)
  • Learn to listen more deeply and spot the red (and green) flags early in the conversation.
  • Develop a "stress-fast" routine for the 24 hours before your big event, and show up relaxed and ready for anything.

Yes, It Really Is Possible to ENJOY Interviews & Reviews!

When you know how to take control of your nerves, craft a message that feels personally meaningful, and convey genuine gravitas, everything changes. High-stakes conversations become a chance to discover the opportunities and connections you want to pursue rather than being an exercise in trying to get someone else to see your worth. You are able to show your leadership at the same time you take leadership in charting the right path forward for yourself.


Enhancing Your Executive Presence Skills Helps You…

  • Stand out in a crowded employee marketplace.
  • Attract more interesting work, with organizations that share your values.
  • Significantly increase your earning capacity.

Real Executive Presence will not feel fake, forced, or like you are putting on a show to get a job.  But it will help you get out of your own way and show up as your best self so that other people can quickly see and appreciate all you have to offer.

And when that happens, more people will be drawn to share more interesting opportunities with you.


The Leadership Interview Prep-camp

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Are You Ready To Step Into Your Full Leadership Potential?

Once you have reached a certain level of success your education, training and industry specific skills are no longer enough to ensure your continued career growth.

You need to go from being an outstanding performer, to being perceived as a confidence-inspiring leader. And other people need to spot your leadership capability quickly!

This program will help you learn how to:

  • Showcase your expertise without seeming like a braggart.
  • Quickly establish trust and rapport, even with people who seem very different from you.
  • Remain focused and level-headed even when others disagree with you, or you find yourself navigating conflict.

This unique and proven system will help you shift your mindset and, more importantly, use a practical body-brain approach to amplifying your authentic presence. As a result, you will remove the unconscious habits and beliefs that may unintentionally encourage others to distrust, ignore, or minimize your expertise and contributions.

It is serious work, undertaken in a playful way. And it gets fast results!

What's Included In The Prep-camp...

LIVE Training #1

The Art of Executive Presence

Learn what separates the candidates with that special "It Factor" from the ones who are seen and described as "clearly competent but not quite ready for the next level of responsibility."

This interactive live training will show you:

  • The three crucial components of executive presence and how to grow yours without feeling forced or fake.
  • Why executive presence can be tricky for women and minorities to effectively navigate and ways to make it easier.
  • How to interrupt nervousness and access your best thinking when the stakes are high.

You will leave the workshop with an increased sense of confidence and a clear plan for preparing both what you want to say, and how you want to present yourself during your interview.

LIVE Training # 2

Success Rehearsal

Knowledge is power, but practice is better! In this section of the program we will practice different interviewing scenarios and allow you to put your new skills into practice in a supportive environment. Mari will give you personalized spot-coaching as you go, so that you can instantly begin making powerful adjustments.

The practice day will help you:

  • Learn how to frame your accomplishments through "power stories" that decision-makers can quickly relate to and repeat.
  • Craft poised and compelling body language so that you look and feel like a leader from the moment you enter the room.
  • Uncover the vocal habits that may be sabotaging your authority and begin building a "voice of leadership.

You’ll finish portion of the program amazed at how much more polish you project, and how authentic it can feel to let yourself shine. 

ON-DEMAND Digital Course

Executive Presence for the Camera

This work at your own pace digital course will help you prepare to captivate the room for Virtual Interviews and Screening Meetings.

The on-demand course will help you:

  • Learn how to look more polished and professional on camera- without expensive or complicated tech!
  • Get tips for using your voice and body language to convey a feeling of in-person connection, even in a "virtual room."
  • Learn how to develop a "Mastery Mindset" and replace nervousness with continual improvement.

You will finish this portion of the program ready to make a fantastic impression in all of your virtual meetings and interviews!

Private Coaching -w- Mari Geasair

Unlocking Your "Power-Stories"

Get the collaborative support and personalized feedback to take everything you have learned and turn it into your personalized magic formula for presence success.

During your private coaching session we will help you:

  • Develop fluency in sharing stories that help others see your true talents.
  • Learn how to gracefully pivot the conversation so that you can share the ideas and stories that matter to you most. 
  • Get individualized support cutting through your "mental noise" and focusing on the details that matter most to prospective employers and collaborators.
  • Find your preferred way to answer the hard questions without getting defensive, being dishonest or avoiding the issues.

This session is your time to get the situation specific support you need to feel authentic, confident, and ready to impress.

This Prep-camp Is For You If...

  • You have a crucial interview or performance review coming up.
  • You are actively seeking a new position at a leadership level.
  • You want to up-level your skills in preparation for a possible career switch in the next few months.
  • You want to show your current employer that you are ready to lead at a higher level!

I'm Mari Geasair

I am an executive presence trainer and speaking coach.

I help leaders and growing professionals access their authentic strengths, powerfully tell their stories and shine in high-pressure situations. My passion is helping thoughtful and value-driven women professionals upgrade their interviewing skills, presentation capabilities, on-video charisma, and in-person influence.

My work is grounded in 25+ years of experience in public speaking, marketing, business strategy, neuropsychology research, and live theatre performance.

I am a member of the National Speakers' Association and the International Coach Federation and is an RLMC certified Vocal Coach and Vocal Recovery Specialist.

"Mari Geasair is a MASTER at helping leaders improve their presentation skills. She meets them where they are and helps them learn how to show up authentically and impactfully."

- Delta Emerson

Executive and Career Navigation Coach, Human Resources and Corporate Culture Expert

"Mari's expertise and acumen in coaching and training executives and leaders to properly use their voice and present their authentic selves is second to none. She provides genuine and insightful advice and guidance"

-  Kate Bailey

Founder, TARRA

"Mari helped me to speak and lead as my authentic self. I am no have much more confidence going into presentations and interviews, and I enjoy it more. Her teaching style is relaxed, but high impact. She is quick to identify each person’s strengths and is easily able to draw them out so that everyone shines."

-  Liz Windisch

Certified Financial Planner™ - Financial Advisor at Aspen Wealth Management


Rock Your Leadership Interview

Join Us Today!

One Time Payment

Your Preparation Camp Includes:

5-Hour Live In-Person Workshop "The Art of Executive Presence" ($250 value)

5-Hour Live In-Person Workshop "Success Rehearsal" ($250 value)

On-Demand Video Course: Executive Presence for the Camera ($77 value)

Hypnosis Recording: Improve Public Speaking with Kim Sheahan of Focused Healing ($25 value)

40-Minute Private Coaching with Mari Geasair (175 value)

A $777 value

for only $475


Join Us!

The next cohort starts soon.